25 research outputs found

    Estudio de los mecanismos que controlan la transición explosiva a efusiva de las erupciones de domo del complejo Teide-Pico Viejo.

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    Màster Oficial en Recursos Minerals i Riscos Geològics, Universitat de Barcelona - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Facultat de Geologia. Curso: 2018-2019. Tutors: Joan Martí Molist y Adelina Geyer TraverThe Teide-Pico Viejo (PT-PV) stratovolcanoes constitute one of the major potentially active volcanic complexes in Europe. Traditionally, they have been considered to be non-explosive but recent studies have revealed that explosive activity of phonolitic magmas, including plinian and subplinian eruptions and generation of pyroclastic density currents, have also been significant. This explosive activity is mostly related to satellite dome vents, like the one studied in this work, Pico Cabras. Dome-forming eruptions usually present sudden transitions between explosive and effusive activity. A better knowledge of this type of eruptions and the main factors that controls these changes in eruptive styles are required to undertake a comprehensive volcanic hazard assessment of Tenerife Island. In this study, we conduct a petrological and mineral characterization of the different eruption phases of Pico Cabras with the aim of identifying the factors that control these changes in the volcanic activity. Using geothermobarometers, geohygrometers and comparing the results with experimental petrology data we present a model of a compositionally stratified magma chamber at 1 kbar±0.5kbar in which the differences in the eruptive styles are controled by the temperature and the amount of volatiles dissolved in the melt. The explosive phase is related to the upper part of the magma chamber at 725ºC±25ºC and 3,5-5 wt% H2O and the effusive phase with the main body of the chamber at 880ºC±30ºC and 2,5-3 wt% H2O. Also, we report for the first time the present of sodalite, a Cl-rich mineral, in recent PT-PV magmas. This mineral is an indicator of a significant amount of halogen gases within the fluid phase. The release of this kind of volatiles into the atmosphere (specially Cl and Br) have a direct impact on the ozone layer depletion

    Mineral chemistry of megacrysts and associated clinopyroxenite enclaves in the Calatrava volcanic field: crystallization processes in mantle magma chambers

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    Megacristales de clinopiroxeno, anfíbol y flogopita aparecen en los depósitos piroclásticos ricos en cristales, enclaves y xenolitos, de los volcanes de El Aprisco y Cerro Pelado (campo volcánico de Calatrava). Estos megacristales muestran una composición química similar a los cristales que forman los enclaves clinopiroxeníticos asociados, incluyendo los poco comunes enclaves ricos en flogopita (glimmeritas). El magma volcánico es de textura porfídica, mostrando una compleja población de fenocristales y macrocristales máficos, con núcleos residuales, que sugieren formen una suite cogenética con aquellos. Las estimaciones geobarométricas indican que los megacristales, así como los núcleos de fenocristales y los enclaves clinopiroxeníticos representan acumulados de alta presión, formados entre 12–16 kbar, en el manto litosférico superior (de 35 a 55 km). La variabilidad composicional de estos minerales máficos apunta a un proceso de diferenciación controlado por la cristalización de olivino, clinopiroxeno, anfíbol y flogopita. La cristalización de minerales máficos hidratados en el manto facilitaría la exsolución de CO2 y la subsecuente ebullición del fundido, posibilitando la fragmentación de los márgenes semicristalinos de la cámara magmática y la excavación de la roca mantélica encajante. Esta fragmentación profunda explicaría también la compleja variedad de cristales, enclaves y xenolitos atrapados por los magmas volcánicos. Se han encontrado dos tipos de clinopiroxenos (verde e incoloro) que aparecen como antecristales (núcleos de macrocristales/fenocristales) y también en los enclaves piroxeníticos. La coexistencia de ambos tipos de clinopiroxeno en los zonados cristalinos de las clinopyroxenitas sugiere que deben ser cogenéticos, representando precipitados de fundidos de distinto grado evolutivo, pero posiblemente de un mismo magma fraccionante. Este estudio propone un modelo de ascenso y origen de magmas ricos en cristales y xenolitos que puede ser útil para explicar otros tipos volcánicos que transportan complejos cargamentos de cristales profundos, como ocurre frecuentemente en la provincia volcánica circum-Mediterránea

    On the application of classical planning to real social robotic tasks

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    Pittsburgh, USA (19-20 June 2017)Automated Planning is now a mature area offering several techniques and search heuristics extremely useful to solve problems in realistic domains. However, its application to real and dynamic environments as Social Robotics requires much work focused, not only in the efficiency of the planners, but also in tractable task modeling and efficient execution and monitoring of the plan into the robotic control architecture. This paper identifies the main issues that must be taken into account while using classical Automated Planning for the control of a social robot and contributes some practical solutions to overcome such inherent difficulties. Some of them are the discrimination between predicates for internal control and external sensing, the concept of predicted nominal behavior with corrective actions or plans, the continuous monitoring of the plan execution and the handling of action interruptions. This manuscript highlights the dependencies between all the design and deployment activities involved: task modeling, plan generation, and action execution and monitoring. A task of Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) is used as an illustrative example that can be easily generalized to any other interactive task

    An Automated Planning Model for HRI: Use Cases on Social Assistive Robotics

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    Using Automated Planning for the high level control of robotic architectures is becoming very popular thanks mainly to its capability to define the tasks to perform in a declarative way. However, classical planning tasks, even in its basic standard Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) format, are still very hard to formalize for non expert engineers when the use case to model is complex. Human Robot Interaction (HRI) is one of those complex environments. This manuscript describes the rationale followed to design a planning model able to control social autonomous robots interacting with humans. It is the result of the authors’ experience in modeling use cases for Social Assistive Robotics (SAR) in two areas related to healthcare: Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) and non-contact rehabilitation therapies for patients with physical impairments. In this work a general definition of these two use cases in a unique planning domain is proposed, which favors the management and integration with the software robotic architecture, as well as the addition of new use cases. Results show that the model is able to capture all the relevant aspects of the Human-Robot interaction in those scenarios, allowing the robot to autonomously perform the tasks by using a standard planning-execution architecture.This work has been partially funded by the European Union ECHORD++ project (FP7-ICT-601116), and grants TIN2017-88476-C2-2-R and RTI2018-099522-B-C43 of FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Ministerio de Universidades-Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Javier García is partially supported by the Comunidad de Madrid funds under the project 2016-T2/TIC-1712

    Challenges on the application of automated planning for comprehensive geriatric assessment using an autonomous social robot

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    November 22-23, 2018, Madrid, SpainComprehensive Geriatric Assessment is a medical procedure to evaluate the physical, social and psychological status of elder patients. One of its phases consists of performing different tests to the patient or relatives. In this paper we present the challenges to apply Automated Planning to control an autonomous robot helping the clinician to perform such tests. On the one hand the paper focuses on the modelling decisions taken, from an initial approach where each test was encoded using slightly different domains, to the final unified domain allowing any test to be represented. On the other hand, the paper deals with practical issues arisen when executing the plans. Preliminary tests performed with real users show that the proposed approach is able to seamlessly handle the patient-robot interaction in real time, recovering from unexpected events and adapting to the users' preferred input method, while being able to gather all the information needed by the clinician.This work has been partially funded by the European Union ECHORD++ project (FP7-ICT-601116) and the TIN2015-65686-C5 Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad project. Javier García is partially supported by the Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) funds under the project 2016-T2/TIC-1712

    A framework for user adaptation and profiling for social robotics in rehabilitation

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    Physical rehabilitation therapies for children present a challenge, and its success—the improvement of the patient’s condition—depends on many factors, such as the patient’s attitude and motivation, the correct execution of the exercises prescribed by the specialist or his progressive recovery during the therapy. With the aim to increase the benefits of these therapies, social humanoid robots with a friendly aspect represent a promising tool not only to boost the interaction with the pediatric patient, but also to assist physicians in their work. To achieve both goals, it is essential to monitor in detail the patient’s condition, trying to generate user profile models which enhance the feedback with both the system and the specialist. This paper describes how the project NAOTherapist—a robotic architecture for rehabilitation with social robots—has been upgraded in order to include a monitoring system able to generate user profile models through the interaction with the patient, performing user-adapted therapies. Furthermore, the system has been improved by integrating a machine learning algorithm which recognizes the pose adopted by the patient and by adding a clinical reports generation system based on the QUEST metricThis work is partially funded by grant RTI2018-099522-B-C43 of FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación - Ministerio de Universidades - Agencia Estatal de Investigació

    Percepts symbols or Action symbols? Generalizing how all modules interact within a software architecture for cognitive robotics

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    Robots require a close coupling of perception and action. Cognitive robots go beyond this to require a further coupling with cognition. From the perspective of robotics, this coupling generally emphasizes a tightly integrated perceptuomotor system, which is then loosely connected to some limited form of cognitive system such as a planner. At the other end, from the perspective of automated planning, the emphasis is on a highly functional system that, taken to its extreme, calls perceptual and motor modules as independent functions. This paper proposes to join both perspectives through a unique representation where the responses of all modules on the software architecture (percepts or actions) are grounded using the same set of symbols. This allows to generalize the signal-to-symbol divide that separates classic perceptuomotor and automated planning systems, being the result a software architecture where all software modules interact using the same tokens.This paper has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-65686-C5 and FEDER funds and by the FP7 EU project ECHORD++ grant 601116 (CLARK project)

    CLARC: A cognitive robot for helping geriatric doctors in real scenarios

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    Third Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT 2017). 22 to 24 November 2017, Seville, SpainAbstract: Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA) is an integrated clinical process to evaluate the frailty of elderly persons in order to create therapy plans that improve their quality of life. For robotizing these tests, we are designing and developing CLARC, a mobile robot able to help the physician to capture and manage data during the CGA procedures, mainly by autonomously conducting a set of predefined evaluation tests. Built around a shared internal representation of the outer world, the architecture is composed of software modules able to plan and generate a stream of actions, to execute actions emanated from the representation or to update this by including/removing items at different abstraction levels. Percepts, actions and intentions coming from all software modules are grounded within this unique representation. This allows the robot to react to unexpected events and to modify the course of action according to the dynamics of a scenario built around the interaction with the patient. The paper describes the architecture of the system as well as the preliminary user studies and evaluation to gather new user requirements.This work has been partially funded by the EU ECHORD++ project (FP7-ICT-601116) and the TIN2015-65686-C5-1-R (MINECO and FEDER funds). Javier García is partially supported by the Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) funds under the project 2016-T2/TIC-171

    Colombian consensus on the treatment of Placenta Accreta Spectrum (PAS)

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    Introducción: el espectro de acretismo placentario (EAP) es una condición asociada a sangrado masivo posparto y mortalidad materna. Las guías de manejo publicadas en países de altos ingresos recomiendan la participación de grupos interdisciplinarios en hospitales con recursos suficientes para realizar procedimientos complejos. Sin embargo, algunas de las recomendaciones de estas guías resultan difíciles de aplicar en países de bajos y medianos ingresos. Objetivos: este consenso busca formular recomendaciones generales para el tratamiento del EAP en Colombia. Materiales y métodos: en el consenso participaron 23 panelistas, quienes respondieron 31 preguntas sobre el tratamiento de EAP. Los panelistas fueron seleccionados con base en la participación en dos encuestas realizadas para determinar la capacidad resolutiva de hospitales en el país y la región. Se utilizó la metodología Delphi modificada, incorporando dos rondas sucesivas de discusión. Para emitir las recomendaciones el grupo tomó en cuenta la opinión de los participantes, que lograron un consenso mayor al 80 %, así como las barreras y los facilitadores para su implementación. Resultados: el consenso formuló cinco recomendaciones integrando las respuestas de los panelistas. Recomendación 1. Las instituciones de atención primaria deben realizar búsqueda activa de EAP en pacientes con factores de riesgo: placenta previa e historia de miomectomía o cesárea en embarazo previo. En caso de haber signos sugestivos de EAP por ecografía, las pacientes deben ser remitidas de manera inmediata, sin tener una edad gestacional mínima, a hospitales reconocidos como centros de referencia. Las modalidades virtuales de comunicación y atención en salud pueden facilitar la interacción entre las instituciones de atención primaria y los centros de referencia para EAP. Se debe evaluar el beneficio y riesgo de las modalidades de telemedicina. Recomendación 2. Es necesario que se definan hospitales de referencia para EAP en cada región de Colombia, asegurando el cubrimiento de la totalidad del territorio nacional. Es aconsejable concentrar el flujo de pacientes afectadas por esta condición en unos pocos hospitales, donde haya equipos de cirujanos con entrenamiento específico en EAP, disponibilidad de recursos especializados y un esfuerzo institucional por mejorar la calidad de atención, en busca de tener mejores resultados en la salud de las gestantes con esta condición. Para lograr ese objetivo los participantes recomiendan que los entes reguladores de la prestación de servicios de salud a nivel nacional, regional o local vigilen el proceso de remisión de estas pacientes, facilitando rutas administrativas en caso de que no exista contrato previo entre el asegurador y el hospital o la clínica seleccionada (IPS). Recomendación 3. En los centros de referencia para pacientes con EAP se invita a la creación de equipos que incorporen un grupo fijo de especialistas (obstetras, urólogos, cirujanos generales, radiólogos intervencionistas) encargados de atender todos los casos de EAP. Es recomendable que esos grupos interdisciplinarios utilicen el modelo de “paquete de intervención” como guía para la preparación de los centros de referencia para EAP. Este modelo consta de las siguientes actividades: preparación de los servicios, prevención e identificación de la enfermedad, respuesta ante la presentación de la enfermedad, aprendizaje luego de cada evento. La telemedicina facilita el tratamiento de EAP y debe ser tenida en cuenta por los grupos interdisciplinarios que atienden esta enfermedad. Recomendación 4. Los residentes de Obstetricia deben recibir instrucción en maniobras útiles para la prevención y el tratamiento del sangrado intraoperatorio masivo por placenta previa y EAP, tales como: la compresión manual de la aorta, el torniquete uterino, el empaquetamiento pélvico, el bypass retrovesical y la maniobra de Ward. Los conceptos básicos de diagnóstico y tratamiento de EAP deben incluirse en los programas de especialización en Ginecología y Obstetricia en Colombia. En los centros de referencia del EAP se deben ofrecer programas de entrenamiento a los profesionales interesados en mejorar sus competencias en EAP de manera presencial y virtual. Además, deben ofrecer soporte asistencial remoto (telemedicina) permanente a los demás hospitales en su región, en relación con pacientes con esa enfermedad. Recomendación 5. La finalización de la gestación en pacientes con sospecha de EAP y placenta previa, por imágenes diagnósticas, sin evidencia de sangrado vaginal activo, debe llevarse a cabo entre las semanas 34 y 36 6/7. El tratamiento quirúrgico debe incluir intervenciones secuenciales que pueden variar según las características de la lesión, la situación clínica de la paciente y los recursos disponibles. Las opciones quirúrgicas (histerectomía total y subtotal, manejo quirúrgico conservador en un paso y manejo expectante) deben incluirse en un protocolo conocido por todo el equipo interdisciplinario. En escenarios sin diagnóstico anteparto, es decir, ante un hallazgo intraoperatorio de EAP (evidencia de abultamiento violáceo o neovascularización de la cara anterior del útero), y con participación de personal no entrenado, se plantean tres situaciones: Primera opción: en ausencia de indicación de nacimiento inmediato o sangrado vaginal, se recomienda diferir la cesárea (cerrar la laparotomía antes de incidir el útero) hasta asegurar la disponibilidad de los recursos recomendados para llevar a cabo una cirugía segura. Segunda opción: ante indicación de nacimiento inmediato (por ejemplo, estado fetal no tranquilizador), pero sin sangrado vaginal o indicación de manejo inmediato de EAP, se sugiere realizar manejo en dos tiempos: se realiza la cesárea evitando incidir la placenta, seguida de histerorrafia y cierre de abdomen, hasta asegurar la disponibilidad de los recursos recomendados para llevar a cabo una cirugía segura. Tercera opción: en presencia de sangrado vaginal que hace imposible diferir el manejo definitivo de EAP, es necesario extraer el feto por el fondo del útero, realizar la histerorrafia y reevaluar. En ocasiones, el nacimiento del feto disminuye el flujo placentario y el sangrado vaginal se reduce o desaparece, lo que hace posible diferir el manejo definitivo de EAP. Si el sangrado significativo persiste, es necesario continuar con la histerectomía haciendo uso de los recursos disponibles: compresión manual de la aorta, llamado inmediato a los cirujanos con mejor entrenamiento disponible, soporte de grupos expertos de otros hospitales a través de telemedicina. Si una paciente con factores de riesgo para EAP (por ejemplo, miomectomía o cesárea previa) presenta retención de placenta posterior al parto vaginal, es recomendable confirmar la posibilidad de dicho diagnóstico (por ejemplo, realizando una ecografía) antes de intentar la extracción manual de la placenta. Conclusiones: esperamos que este primer consenso colombiano de EAP sirva como base para discusiones adicionales y trabajos colaborativos que mejoren los resultados clínicos de las mujeres afectadas por esta enfermedad. Evaluar la aplicabilidad y efectividad de las recomendaciones emitidas requerirá investigaciones adicionales.Q4Pacientes con Espectro de Acretismo Placentario (EAP)Introduction: Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) is a condition associated with massive postpartum bleeding and maternal mortality. Management guidelines published in high income countries recommend the participation of interdisciplinary teams in hospitals with sufficient resources for performing complex procedures. However, some of the recommendations contained in those guidelines are difficult to implement in low and medium income countries. Objectives: The aim of this consensus is to draft general recommendations for the treatment of PAS in Colombia. Materials and Methods: Twenty-three panelists took part in the consensus with their answers to 31 questions related to the treatment of PAS. The panelists were selected based on participation in two surveys designed to determine the resolution capabilities of national and regional hospitals. The modified Delphi methodology was used, introducing two successive discussion rounds. The opinions of the participants, with a consensus of more than 80 %, as well as implementation barriers and facilitators, were taken into consideration in order to issue the recommendations. Results: The consensus drafted five recommendations, integrating the answers of the panelists. Recommendation 1. Primary care institutions must undertake active search of PAS in patients with risk factors: placenta praevia and history of myomectomy or previous cesarean section. In case of ultrasound signs suggesting PAS, patients must be immediately referred, without a minimum gestational age, to hospitals recognized as referral centers. Online communication and care modalities may facilitate the interaction between primary care institutions and referral centers for PAS. The risks and benefits of telemedicine modalities must be weighed. Recommendation 2. Referral hospitals for PAS need to be defined in each region of Colombia, ensuring coverage throughout the national territory. It is advisable to concentrate the flow of patients affected by this condition in a few hospitals with surgical teams specifically trained in PAS, availability of specialized resources, and institutional efforts at improving quality of care with the aim of achieving better health outcomes in pregnant women with this condition. To achieve this goal, participants recommend that healthcare regulatory agencies at a national and regional level should oversee the process of referral for these patients, expediting administrative pathways in those cases in which there is no prior agreement between the insurer and the selected hospital or clinic.Recommendation 3. Referral centers for patients with PAS are urged to build teams consisting of a fixed group of specialists (obstetricians, urologists, general surgeons, interventional radiologists) entrusted with the care of all PAS cases. It is advisable for these interdisciplinary teams to use the “intervention bundle” model as a guidance for building PAS referral centers. This model comprises the following activities: service preparedness, disease prevention and identification, response to the occurrence of the disease, and debriefing after every event. Telemedicine facilitates PAS treatment and should be taken into consideration by interdisciplinary teams caring for this disease. Recommendation 4. Obstetrics residents must be instructed in the performance of maneuvers that are useful for the prevention and treatment of massive intraoperative bleeding due to placenta praevia and PAS, including manual aortic compression, uterine tourniquet, pelvic packing, retrovesical bypass, and Ward maneuver. Specialization Obstetrics and Gynecology programs in Colombia must include the basic concepts of the diagnosis and treatment of PAS. Referral centers for PAS must offer online and in-person training programs for professionals interested in improving their competencies in PAS. Moreover, they must offer permanent remote support (telemedicine) to other hospitals in their region for patients with this condition. Recommendation 5. Patients suspected of having PAS and placenta praevia based on imaging, with no evidence of active vaginal bleeding, must be delivered between weeks 34 and 36 6/7. Surgical treatment must include sequential interventions that may vary depending on the characteristics of the lesion, the clinical condition of the patient and the availability of resources. The surgical options (total and subtotal hysterectomy, one-stage conservative surgical management and watchful waiting) must be included in a protocol known by the entire interdisciplinary team. In situations in which an antepartum diagnosis is lacking, that is to say, in the face of intraoperative finding of PAS (evidence of purple bulging or neovascularization of the anterior aspect of the uterus), and the participation of untrained personnel, three options are considered: Option 1: In the absence of indication of immediate delivery or of vaginal delivery, the recommendation is to postpone the cesarean section (close the laparotomy before incising the uterus) until the recommended resources for safe surgery are secured. Option 2: If there is an indication for immediate delivery (e.g., non-reassuring fetal status) but there is absence of vaginal bleeding or indication for immediate PAS management, a two-stage management is suggested: cesarean section avoiding placental incision, followed by uterine repair and abdominal closure, until the availability of the recommended resources for safe surgery is ascertained. Option 3: In the event of vaginal bleeding that prevents definitive PAS management, the fetus must be delivered through the uterine fundus, followed by uterine repair and reassessment of the situation. Sometimes, fetal delivery diminishes placental flow and vaginal bleeding is reduced or disappears, enabling the possibility to postpone definitive management of PAS. In case of persistent significant bleeding, hysterectomy should be performed, using all available resources: manual aortic compression, immediate call to the surgeons with the best available training, telemedicine support from expert teams in other hospitals.If a patient with risk factors for PAS (e.g., myomectomy or previous cesarean section) has a retained placenta after vaginal delivery, it is advisable to confirm the possibility of such diagnosis (by means of ultrasound, for example) before proceeding to manual extraction of the placenta.Conclusions: It is our hope that this first Colombian consensus on PAS will serve as a basis for additional discussions and collaborations that can result in improved clinical outcomes for women affected by this condition. Additional research will be required in order to evaluate the applicability and effectiveness of these recommendations.https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6822-0374Revista Nacional - IndexadaCN

    Estudio de los mecanismos que controlan la transición explosiva a efusiva de las erupciones de domo del Complejo Teide-Pico Viejo (Tenerife, España).

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    VI Congreso Internacional de Geología del Perú, 16-20 noviembre, 2020, San Agustín de Arequipa, Per